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Embracing the "Exceptional" - Why "Normal" is for the Average, Not the Aspiring

" To be 'normal' is the ideal aim for the unsuccessful, for all those who are still below the general level of adaptation. But for people of more than average ability, people who never found it difficult to gain successes and to accomplish their share of the world's work - for them the moral compulsion to be nothing but normal signifies the bed of Procrustes - deadly and insufferable boredom, a hell of sterility and hopelessness. " - Carl Jung Embracing the "Exceptional" - Why "Normal" is for the Average, Not the Aspiring The Cost of "Normal" Hey everyone! Today, we'll tackle a concept that can hold you back: the allure of " normalcy ." As Carl Jung suggests, striving for self-discipline and exceeding the average often means embracing the " exceptional ," which might come with the perception of being "weird" or different. Breaking Free from the Norm I remember when I decided to write, even though non

Embracing Growth: Shifting from Defense to Offense

" Life is an ongoing process of choosing between safety (out of fear and need for defense) and risk (for the sake of progress and growth): Make the growth choice a dozen times a day. " - Abraham Maslow Embracing Growth: Shifting from Defense to Offense Living Beyond Survival Mode Hey everyone! Today, let's explore the concept of shifting from defense to offense in life. Most of us, having escaped the immediate dangers of survival, are fortunate to live in a state of relative comfort. But sometimes, this comfort can lead to a defensive mindset, hindering our growth. Embracing Risk I Remember when I wanted to learn public speaking. It terrified me! But staying safe within my comfort zone wouldn't have helped me grow. I took the risk, faced my fears, and discovered a passion for communication. From Safety to Growth You likely enjoy a level of security that allows you to take calculated risks for the sake of progress and growth. This doesn't mean throwing caution to

Embrace the Foolishness: Why Looking Like a Fool Fuels Your Growth

" You have to look like a fool while you're looking for answers you don't have. " - Dan Waldschmidt Embrace the Foolishness - Why Looking Like a Fool Fuels Your Growth The Unexpected Ally: Embracing the "Fool Factor" Hey everyone! Today, we'll tackle a topic often shrouded in fear: looking like a fool. While striving for excellence is crucial, the fear of appearing silly can hold you back from experiencing the growth that comes with stepping outside your comfort zone. Embracing the Journey I remember when I gave my first public presentation. My voice trembled, and I stumbled over my words. While it wasn't my proudest moment, it became a valuable learning experience. I realized that progress rarely happens without occasional missteps and that embracing the "fool factor " is a part of the journey. The Price of Mediocrity Dan Waldschmidt reminds us that seeking growth and pushing boundaries inherently involves the risk of looking foolish at t

The Power of Embracing Effort: Why Avoiding Challenge Hinders Growth

" There is just something wrong with getting up every day and moving through your existence with the least possible effort. If your expectations are always those of someone content to live without physical challenge, then when it comes time for mental, moral, or emotional challenge, you fail to meet it because you are out of practice. " - Mark Rippetoe The Power of Embracing Effort - Why Avoiding Challenge Hinders Growth The Illusion of Effortless Success Hey everyone! Today, we'll tackle a common misconception: the pursuit of effortless living holds you back from reaching your full potential . While seeking comfort and rest is natural, consistently avoiding effort can be detrimental to your self-discipline and overall growth. The Importance of Challenge I Remember how I started jogging even though I initially disliked it. The initial effort was uncomfortable, but I persevered. Not only did it improve my physical health, but it also strengthened my mental resilience and

Nurturing the Seed of Self-Discipline: A Gardener's Guide to Growth

  " Virtue is not a mushroom, that springeth up of itself in one night when we are asleep, or regard it not; but a delicate plant, that groweth slowly and tenderly, needing much pains to cultivate it, much care to guard it, much time to mature it, in our untoward soil, in this world's unkindly weather ." - Isaac Barrow Nurturing the Seed of Self-Discipline - A Gardener's Guide to Growth From Overnight Success to Cultivating Growth Hey everyone! Today, we'll explore an analogy often used in self-improvement : self-discipline is like a plant. While it may sound obvious, this comparison holds valuable lessons for anyone seeking to build lasting self-control . Story & The Importance of Nurturing I remember when I tried to learn a new language and thought consistency wouldn't matter. I'd study for days on end, then neglect it for weeks. My progress was stagnant, like a neglected plant. It wasn't until I adopted a consistent, " gardener-like &qu

When Self-Discipline Leads You Astray - Recognizing the Wrong Path

" If something scares you in an excited way, (something that gives you energy) - that's a good sign. BUT IF SOMETHING IS MAKING YOU MISERABLE AND DRAINING YOUR ENERGY, PLEASE STOP. Life is telling you that is not the path for you. " - Derek Sivers When Self-Discipline Leads You Astray - Recognizing the Wrong Path Self-Discipline & Choosing the Right Path Hey everyone! Today's topic delves into a crucial aspect of self-discipline: knowing when to let go. While perseverance and dedication are essential, blindly pursuing a path that drains your energy might not be the best use of your self-discipline. Recognizing the Signs Remember when I tried to build a certain company. I lacked technical knowledge and hated sales, the core aspects of the business. Initially, I viewed my difficulties as challenges to overcome with willpower. But the constant struggle drained my energy and joy. It was a clear sign that this path, despite my initial goals , wasn't meant for me.

Seeing the Big Picture - The Long-Term Impact of Your Choices

" Whenever you are presented with a choice, ask yourself which option you would prefer to have taken in ten years. " - Erik D. Kennedy Seeing the Big Picture - The Long-Term Impact of Your Choices The Power of Foresight Hey everyone! Today, we'll explore a powerful tool for self-discipline: considering the long-term consequences of your choices. By taking a step back and visualizing your future self, you can make decisions that align with your long-term goals and values. Using Visualization I Remember when I wanted to quit learning coding after a particularly frustrating bug. But then I envisioned myself in five years, regretting not persisting and missing out on the amazing career opportunities coding could offer. That future image fueled my determination to push through the challenges. The "10-Year Test" Here's a simple trick to tap into the power of foresight: the "10-Year Test": When faced with a tempting choice, ask yourself: &quo