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Showing posts with the label Self-Discipline: Recognizing Signs

When Self-Discipline Leads You Astray - Recognizing the Wrong Path

" If something scares you in an excited way, (something that gives you energy) - that's a good sign. BUT IF SOMETHING IS MAKING YOU MISERABLE AND DRAINING YOUR ENERGY, PLEASE STOP. Life is telling you that is not the path for you. " - Derek Sivers When Self-Discipline Leads You Astray - Recognizing the Wrong Path Self-Discipline & Choosing the Right Path Hey everyone! Today's topic delves into a crucial aspect of self-discipline: knowing when to let go. While perseverance and dedication are essential, blindly pursuing a path that drains your energy might not be the best use of your self-discipline. Recognizing the Signs Remember when I tried to build a certain company. I lacked technical knowledge and hated sales, the core aspects of the business. Initially, I viewed my difficulties as challenges to overcome with willpower. But the constant struggle drained my energy and joy. It was a clear sign that this path, despite my initial goals , wasn't meant for me.