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Showing posts with the label Self-Discipline: Small Steps Big Wins

Tiny Steps, Giant Leaps - Building Self-Discipline Brick by Brick

  "We should discipline ourselves in small things, and from there progress to things of greater value. If you have a headache, practice not cursing. Don't curse every time you have an earache. And I'm not saying that you can't complain, only don't complain with your whole being." - Epictetus   Tiny Steps, Giant Leaps - Building Self-Discipline Brick by Brick Hey everyone! Feeling overwhelmed by your self-discipline goals? You're not alone. Building self-discipline is like building a magnificent castle - it starts with one small brick at a time . Don't worry, you won't need to silence your inner critic completely just yet (Epictetus, chill out a bit!). Remember when I tried to learn French overnight? Let's just say ordering a "croissant" wasn't my proudest moment. Sometimes, aiming for the moon can lead to a faceplant (metaphorically speaking, of course). Start Small, Scale Up: Epictetus suggests we begin