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Showing posts with the label Self Discipline: Long-Term Impact

Seeing the Big Picture - The Long-Term Impact of Your Choices

" Whenever you are presented with a choice, ask yourself which option you would prefer to have taken in ten years. " - Erik D. Kennedy Seeing the Big Picture - The Long-Term Impact of Your Choices The Power of Foresight Hey everyone! Today, we'll explore a powerful tool for self-discipline: considering the long-term consequences of your choices. By taking a step back and visualizing your future self, you can make decisions that align with your long-term goals and values. Using Visualization I Remember when I wanted to quit learning coding after a particularly frustrating bug. But then I envisioned myself in five years, regretting not persisting and missing out on the amazing career opportunities coding could offer. That future image fueled my determination to push through the challenges. The "10-Year Test" Here's a simple trick to tap into the power of foresight: the "10-Year Test": When faced with a tempting choice, ask yourself: &quo