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Taming the Beast: Conquering Initial Resistance (4-minute read)

Beat Procrastination: The Power of Starting Now   Feeling overwhelmed by a task? Leonardo da Vinci had the right idea: resistance is strongest at the beginning. Learn how to take action and conquer procrastination.  Taming the Beast: Conquering Initial Resistance  We've all been there: staring down a dreaded task, the urge to procrastinate growing stronger by the minute. Leonardo da Vinci offered a powerful insight: "It is easier to resist at the beginning than at the end." This post explores the concept of initial resistance and shares strategies to overcome it and boost your productivity. Why We Procrastinate Procrastination is a common enemy of productivity. But why do we put things off, even when we know it's in our best interest to get started? Often, it's due to initial resistance - that feeling of overwhelm, aversion, or lack of motivation that hits us at the beginning of a task. The Zero-Second Rule: Starting Now Here's a powerful strategy to combat