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Showing posts with the label Self Discipline: Embrace Challenges

Setting the Bar Higher: Why Aiming for 'Normal' is the Enemy of Your Potential

Feeling stuck in a rut? Society's "normal" might not be your best fit. Join me today as we explore the power of setting high standards for self-discipline and unlocking your true potential! Let's rewrite the rules and reach for greatness together. "Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anybody else expects of you. Never excuse yourself. Never pity yourself. Be a hard master to yourself - and be lenient to everybody else." - Henry Ward Beecher Hey there, fellow self-improvers! We all face the pressure to conform, to follow the "normal" path. But what if "normal" doesn't unlock your true potential? What if setting higher standards for yourself is the key to unlocking the greatness within? I hear ya! I get the "Why bother?" comments all the time. "You're healthy already, why track your macros?" "Early mornings and early nights? You're crazy!" But here's the thing: medio