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Showing posts from February 21, 2024

From Crumbling Crêpes to Climbing Victory - Embracing the Phoenix Within

Today's Quote:  "A setback has often cleared the way for greater prosperity. Many things have fallen only to rise to more exalted heights." - Seneca the Younger Hey friends! Let's talk about the inevitable bumps on our self-discipline journey: setbacks. We all face them, whether it's that extra slice of cake (guilty!), skipping a workout session (we've all been there!), or a goal that just seems to elude us. But here's the thing: setbacks are not failures, they're phoenix feathers ! Picture this: Imagine me, younger and slightly less coordinated (okay, a lot less!), struggling to learn rock climbing. I poured my heart and soul into it, but my grip strength was more "limp lettuce" than "iron fist." Did I consider it a complete defeat? Heck no! It made me realize my true passion lay not on the vertical wall, but on the tennis court. That "failure" paved the way for dramatic improvements in my serve and backhand,