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Showing posts from March 23, 2024

Beyond Knowledge: The Power of Diligent Practice (5-minute read)

Knowledge vs. Action: Why Taking Action Trumps Theory in Self-Discipline  Reading self-improvement books is great, but it's not enough. Miyamoto Musashi, a legendary swordsman, reminds us that true mastery comes from diligent practice. Discover why taking action is key to building self-discipline.  Featured Image: A person practicing a skill, playing a guitar & writing. Beyond Knowledge: The Power of Diligent Practice  Have you ever felt like you're constantly learning about self-discipline but never actually improving? Miyamoto Musashi, a famed swordsman, said: "You can know how to win through strategy, but it cannot be clearly explained in writing. You must practice diligently in order to understand how to win." This post explores why taking action is crucial for building self-discipline, and why knowledge alone won't get you there. The Action Gap It's tempting to rely solely on information overload. We consume books, articles, and videos on self