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Showing posts with the label Self Discipline: Defense to Offense

Embracing Growth: Shifting from Defense to Offense

" Life is an ongoing process of choosing between safety (out of fear and need for defense) and risk (for the sake of progress and growth): Make the growth choice a dozen times a day. " - Abraham Maslow Embracing Growth: Shifting from Defense to Offense Living Beyond Survival Mode Hey everyone! Today, let's explore the concept of shifting from defense to offense in life. Most of us, having escaped the immediate dangers of survival, are fortunate to live in a state of relative comfort. But sometimes, this comfort can lead to a defensive mindset, hindering our growth. Embracing Risk I Remember when I wanted to learn public speaking. It terrified me! But staying safe within my comfort zone wouldn't have helped me grow. I took the risk, faced my fears, and discovered a passion for communication. From Safety to Growth You likely enjoy a level of security that allows you to take calculated risks for the sake of progress and growth. This doesn't mean throwing caution to